Multi-Test Pass Awards
Multi-test pass awards are of two types.
1. Certificates of Merit will be awarded to dogs that pass any of the Water Test Sections B to D and Carting Sections 2 and 3 inclusive, five separate times at three or more different venues and involving at least four different Judges.This certificate is awarded in recognition of the dedication of the owner and the consistency of the dog in being able to perform at the pass level of B, C, D or 2 & 3 over a number of months and in differing circumstances.
2. A Diploma will be awarded to dogs that pass at Section E or Level 4, three separate times at three different venues and involving at least four different Judges.This diploma is awarded in recognition of the dedication of the owner and the skill and training of the dog in being able to perform consistently at the highest level.

Diplomas and Certificates of Merit will be awarded jointly by the Clubs involved. A dog will only qualify once for the award at any particular level, even though they may perform the requirements again with a new owner. The maximum number of multi-test pass awards a dog could obtain is four.
Multi-test pass awards will not be awarded as of right. It will be the responsibility of the owner to apply to the appropriate Working Sub-committee in writing. The application will then be verified with that Club's record keeper.
To give due recognition to the attainment any Diplomas and Certificates of Merit should be presented at the next Annual General Meeting of the Club to whom the application was made.