Annual Trophy Awards 2023

Recognising the Working achievements of NNC Members’ dogs in 2022-2023 and presented at the 2023 Annual General Meeting.

Kielder Trophy

Best Overall Water & Draught Dog
Kielder Trophy
Call Name Registered Name Owner(s)
WINNER Sully Dawbryn Doctor Fortysix Jay Rhodes
SECOND Reggie John Collins
THIRD Ash Inkomo Winters Guest Jen Lewis

Elmo Trophy

Best Water Dog
Kielder Trophy
Call Name Registered Name Owner(s)
Coltrana Golden Splender
Inkomo Nemesis
The Saunders
The Saunders
Dawbryn Doctor Fortysix
Newfangled Heresay
Jay Rhodes
Kris & Brooke Schofield

Bega Trophy

Best Draught Dog
Kielder Trophy
Call Name Registered Name Owner(s)
WINNER Reggie John Collins
SECOND Sully Dawbryn Doctor Fortysix Jay Rhodes
THIRD Ash Inkomo Winters Guest Jen Lewis

Willow Trophy

Substantial Contribution to Working
Kielder Trophy
JOINT WINNERS Jay Rhodes and Kris & Brooke Schofield for their substantial and positive contribution in the sphere of working Newfoundlands

Georgy Girl Trophy

Junior Water Work
Kielder Trophy
WINNER Isla Saunders

Gruff Trophy

Junior Draught Work
Kielder Trophy
WINNER Isla Saunders