About Us
Primarily serving the Newfoundland community in the north of England, North Wales and Scotland but with members in all parts of the UK and overseas, the Northern Newfoundland Club strives to promote, protect and develop the breed.
We were founded in 1984 and a year later were added to the Kennel Club (now the Royal Kennel Club) Breed Club Register and thereby officially recognised as a representative Breed Club for Newfoundlands.
You can read more about our early history and development from the link below.
You can also follow our current activity on Facebook.
Club Activities
We hold a Championship Show each April at Tomlinsons Show Hall, Markfield near Leicester and an Open Show is held in August, usually at the same venue. We welcome both members and non-members to enter their dogs at these shows where we invite respected judges from both the UK and overseas.
Details of our upcoming shows can be found on our events calendar page via the link below.
We have a very active Working Section who organise Water and Draught tests through the year at various locations. There is tremendous enthusiasm amongst the membership of the Club to indulge, develop and enjoy the working instincts of this versatile breed.
You can find out more from the links below.
Rescue and Re-homing
It is an unfortunate fact of life that not all Newfoundlands enjoy a loving and caring home and not all forever homes remain so when relationships break down.
The Northern Newfoundland Club operates a rescue and re-homing service funded by voluntary donations, bequests and the tremendous fund-raising efforts of our members.
The Northern Newfoundland Club is passionate about improving the overall health in the breed. We organize health seminars, provide detailed information in print and online about health issues and actively support the Joint Newfoundland Clubs’ health database. That database is gradually being expanded and can be accessed via the link below.