Welfare Re-Homed Dogs
I would like to introduce the welfare dogs who have come in to our care during 2024. I have found it both emotional yet rewarding to have helped these babies and will look forward to following their progress.
Julia Ryan,
Welfare Officer

Dog 1
Hi, Willie Wonka Baby Bear Gibbons, or, Sausage Devouring Fluff Monster here.
I was 16-months old and had lived in 4 foster homes before my final forever Mammy found me. You see, I was a little misunderstood, and kept getting myself in to trouble. Shortly after living in my new home I developed a sore shoulder so my Mammy took me to see a very clever veterinarian at Fitzpatrick Referrals. I was diagnosed with left sided infraspinatus myopathy and compartment syndrome. I had to have my muscle and tendons removed, then spent a long time having hydrotherapy and Physio. I loved it.
I am all better now, I can run and play in the woods, swim in the river and play with other doggo’s. I love my Mammy!
Dog 2
My Mammy and Daddy had a fall and couldn’t look after me the way they wanted to. They had me for 5 years so it was difficult for them to let me go.
At first I was scared and struggled with separation anxiety and then got a very poorly tummy and sore ears. My temporary foster family & furry step sister took good care of me. I went to see the Dr and even had an overnight stay in a hospital, anyway I’m all better now. I live with my forever loving Mammy and Newfie step sister Dosey. We have our own park, well it feels like a park, because I can run & run & run in it and sometimes me and Dosey fun fight in it. Mammy calls it her field.
I make sure I’m always by Mammy’s feet and give her lots of kisses and cuddles, I know she likes that.

Dog 3
Hey peeps…
I’m a very young, sexy little brunette (OK, a brown to you lot). Mammy needed people to look after her and help her do things, but they couldn’t help me, I know the cheek of it hey! Anyway, this funny Welsh man took me to stay at his gaff for a while, to wait for my forever Mammy. It was amazing, lots of newfie friends to play with and he gave me a well overdue haircut too, made me look even better.
My new Mammy & Daddy came to meet me and it was love at first sight. They were great, I couldn’t wait to go live with them. I am having the best time ever, I couldn’t have wished for a better life.

Mr Blue
See the ‘Happy Endings’ web page for his story.

Dog 4
Hi All,
I’m just a little baby, but I understand that Daddy was sick and wanted to give me a great life. I love him very much and want him to get better.
My new life is exactly what he would have chosen for me. I go everywhere with my new Mammy and Daddy and I especially love going to a big lake where they do cool activities as I’m getting really good at some of them.
Daddy stays at home with me all the time and we are best friends.
Dog 5
Well, apparently I’m a bit of a character, even at 7 years young. I went to live with my new huge family thinking I was getting a retirement home, ohhhhh boy, was I wrong. There are so many people its hard to remember all their names.
I got a best friend, my Newfie step brother Nero, I love him so much, we go everywhere together and are partners in crime. Mammy & Daddy take us on lots of holidays with beaches and woods, and we go on lots of different walks, we even have our own house in the garden if we want to get away from all the humans.
Life couldn’t get better!

Dog 6
I’m a gorgeous girlie. I was 6 years young when life as I knew it changed at home. Daddy had to work a lot more and Mammy got extra busy too, and she got very very tired. It broke Mammy & Daddy’s heart, because I was such a good girl, but they knew I could have a better life, and wow, were they right.
I went to live with a family with 3 small humans and a Mammy & Daddy. They treat me like a princess, they take me away on lots of holidays and play with me every day. I seem to be a bit of a celebrity around town. I have been to some Newfie shows to say hello, everyone seems very happy to see me, I got lots of kisses and cuddles and so many presents.
I have never been so happy.
Dog 7
I’m just 7 months old. I only lived at my last home for 3 months. Apparently I was very naughty and very grumbly and would scare them and try to bite, but you see, it wasn’t my fault because I didn’t like being put in jail (my crate), I didn’t like coming in from the garden, or that thing that was tight on my neck, so I would pretend to bite them to get my own way.
I live in a super fun and happy house now with two other newfies, a human brother and a Mammy and Daddy its amazing. My new fur sister and brother show me how to behave, there’s no jail here so I’m safe with that one. They threw that thing away that was around my neck too, phew, it feels so much better. This thing happens… when they want me in, I walk in and I get treats… whats all that about? Hey they don’t need to ask me twice!
Anyway peeps, I’ve just found out that they love me so much that they want me to stay for ever and do this thing called adoption. I really want to stay here too, so I promise be extra good.

See the ‘Happy Endings’ web page for her story.

Dog 8
Hi All,
I’m 2½ and I’m a good girl and full of energy. There was just me and my Daddy at home but sadly my Daddy couldn’t keep up with me, you see, he wasn’t in the best of health and had a poorly foot, so was struggling to entertain me and walk me, but he really loved me.
I went to live in a completely different house, it has a Mum and a Dad, and even kids…. Ahhhhhhh, its amazing! I’ve had so many exciting and new adventures, my human brother plays with me loads, I have toys and go for lots of walks.
Life is fun and so exciting, most days I cant wait to go to bed for a rest.
Dog 9
At 13 months old, life should have been more fun, but it was a scary place and I had to protect everyone. I thought I did a good job, because I would bark to raise the alarm and chase everyone away, especially those pesky motorbikes, but now I’m not so sure. I think maybe I worked too hard.
I went to live with a new Mammy and Daddy, wow the house was quiet, with a huge garden. It takes me ages to patrol the fence hehe. Moving on… Mam & Dad are the boss now and have stood me down, I’m not winging, I love it, and to top it off, I get to do the gardening with Dad, he’s my best friend in the whole world, just don’t tell Mam!

Dog 10
Hi all,
I’m almost two and a lovable boy, a real big softy at heart.
I Was a bit upset when I had to leave my Mammy, but she was poorly and was struggling to look after me properly. I wasn’t bothered, but Mam thought it was best that I went to live with someone who could look after me better, and Mam’s are always right, Right?
Hi all,
Little baby brothers here!
When we were just babies our human Mammy passed away which meant we had to find a new Mammy. We were very sad, but hey, we really shouldn’t have worried, we didn’t even have to share a Mammy any more, we got one each. We missed each other at first, but life was great and got so busy.

Baby Dog 1
I got to go live on lots of land with my new furry brother Coll and a funny looking thing that I now know is a cat called Lucky! Coll teaches me a lot, we play in the fields forever.
I’ve grown super tall since I came to my new home, filled out and got all manly too. Mam has been trying to teach me something called recall, but when she shouts “come” I run away instead and this makes her laugh, so think I must be doing a good job. Nothing wrong with my ears either, when I turn them on I like to pretend I’m a guard dog.
I love my new family, my sister plays with me, she’s great fun, Daddy gives the best cuddles, and Mammy gives the best kisses, she even lets me on her bed (naughty Mammy).
Baby Dog 2
When I first went to live with my new Newfie brother Koby, I was sad and a little grumbly. I missed my brother but everyone was so patient with me and made me feel safe and special.
I soon got used to my new life and settled nicely. I go water training with Koby, its great, we’re having a blast, we even got to dress up as Punks to help raise money for Newfies like me who need new Mammy and Daddy’s. I love my big brother and he has taught me how to play his favourite games. Mammy says I’m growing big and putting some weight on and the vet man is happy with me.
I love laying on the huge windowsill, and other than that, I love giving kisses.